Burford Primary School
Burford Primary School
Burford Primary School
The Curriculum

At Burford Primary School our intent is to provide a Religious Education curriculum that reflects the diverse nature of our society and promotes tolerance, mutual understanding, and respect for all religious and non-religious beliefs, whilst instilling our Burford Best approach to learning. We deem this as an essential area of study which ensures that children are well prepared for life in a world where there are a multitude of viewpoints, fostering spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development in our pupils, preparing them to thrive in a multicultural world.

We believe that Religious Education plays a crucial role in nurturing the spiritual and emotional well-being of our pupils, promoting empathy, and fostering a sense of belonging within our school community. Through our curriculum, we aim to develop our pupils' critical thinking, reflective skills, and respect for others, equipping them with the knowledge and understanding necessary for them to make informed decisions in their lives.

Our Religious Education curriculum is carefully designed to ensure progression, coherence, and relevance throughout a pupil's primary education. It will take pupils on a journey through a range of concepts driven by three core strands: Beliefs and questions, Community and identity and Reality and truth. It is planned and sequenced to develop deep, lasting learning and builds upon prior knowledge, which our children can use today, tomorrow and for the rest of their lives. It incorporates a balance between the study of religions and the exploration of themes which are common to various faiths and beliefs.
  • We follow the 2023 ODBE syllabus to ensure compliance with the statutory requirements set by the Department for Education.
  • In EYFS we use the Discovery RE and materials to support the ODBE syllabus.
  • Our curriculum includes the study of five major world religions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Judaism.
  • The curriculum also encompasses non-religious beliefs, ethics, and moral values.
  • Lessons are sequenced to build upon prior knowledge and promote deepening understanding.
  • Opportunities are provided for pupils to engage in dialogue, discussions, and critical thinking about religious and ethical issues.
  • Lessons will be recorded either through floor books in EYFS and Lower School and Humanities Books in Upper School. Pupil voice will be visible throughout and the sequence of our work will be evident.
Sparkle and Shine
Burford Primary School

Our Religious Education provision at Burford Primary School has several tangible impacts on our pupils:
  • Pupils have a thorough understanding of a range of religious beliefs and non-religious viewpoints.
  • Pupils develop a sense of empathy, tolerance, respect, and a keen appreciation for diversity.
  • Pupils acquire critical thinking skills, enabling them to analyse religious and ethical issues objectively.
  • Pupils demonstrate high levels of engagement and enthusiasm for learning in Religious Education lessons.
  • Pupils gain a greater understanding of their own identities and the importance of their personal values.
  • Pupils are well-prepared to contribute positively to the wider community, respecting the beliefs and values of others.
Through our Religious Education provision, we ensure that each pupil leaves Burford Primary School as a responsible globally aware citizen, equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to live harmoniously

Burford Primary School
Priory Lane
OX18 4SG
CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)