Burford Primary School
Burford Primary School
Burford Primary School
The Curriculum

At Burford Primary School, we recognise the importance of Personal, Social, Health and Economic education to support our children in the next stage of their education. We prioritise explicitly teaching skills which promote positive well-being and developing children’s independence. We utilise PSHE learning opportunities to embed the school’s values: Respect, Aspire, Achieve.

Regular planned PSHE lessons are taught in classes, with class teachers identifying the best activities for their class based on the Jigsaw programme’s puzzle pieces (units of work – more information can be found below) whilst ensuring the skills identified below are covered within each year group. These are supported by opportunities for class discussions based on events either in or out of school. We also utilise assembly times to introduce and embed PSHE themes running through the school as well as promoting British Values. Relationship and Sex education is taught through PSHE (please see RSE policy).

For more information about the content of the curriculum and the skills taught, please see our PSHE and RSE progression documents below:

Burford Primary School
Priory Lane
OX18 4SG
CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)